Run: Tempo Previous Next


1:00 PM

3.6 mi


7:24 mi


160 bpm
183 bpm


71 F


7 / 10
8 / 10
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Pretty solid, if short, tempo run. I targeted HR Zone (88~92% of max HRR, 173~179). It took about 3:45 to get into the zone, and I started going into zone 5 around 12:30. (These are all ballpark since I'm too chicken to figure out my true max). Based on the watch, I was cruising around 6:30 most of the way, but I did slow down some in the last few minutes -- combination of of feeling like I had to take a shit, uphill grade, and trying to keep close to zone 4. Also, I felt quite hot at the end. 71° is comfortable, but a little too warm for longer quality sessions. bring on those 30s~50s!

I feel better about running a 5k in December after doing this. 20:00 is 6:27 per mile, which seems do-able since I averaged 6:38 today, and still had some in the tank. I'll know more after 3x1 mile.
