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3:30 PM

4500 m


4:28 mi

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3x600 @ 1500 GP w/ full recovery; 9x300 cutdowns w/ 100m walk jog (3 @ 5k GP/ 3 @ 3k GP / 3 @ 1500 GP - 1)

Shooting for 1:36 for the 600s, 54 --> 47 for the 300s. YEOW!

Thankfully the Pembroke team had shoveled out 3 lanes of the track, so I got to spike up and run along with probably 50-60 high schoolers who were all on the track doing a fartlek at the same time. It actually wasn't an issue, except for the first one where I had to do some serious ducking and weaving. Started the workout off with a BANG with a 1:34.6 600, which like I said was in serious traffic for the second half of it - it was probably worth a 1:33-low. As is, 1:34 was already under 800m PR pace so it certainly set the stage for a tough workout. I was pretty liberal on the rest for the whole thing, took 6-7 minutes for the 600s and 75->100 seconds for the 300s. The 600s pretty uniformly were tough, and the last couple 300s also were a pretty max effort. Very hard workout for sure, but pretty happy with how it turned out going at it on my lonesome. I was very nervous that I wouldn't be able to hit the paces but I'd say I more or less did fine. On to the next one.



Wow man, congrats...impressive workout. I expected this to be an incredibly hard workout to the point that people wouldn't hit their 600s...ready for some good races.

Robert LaMarre

Thanks. Now how about instead of Thursday's workout I just warmup, run 2:04, and then cool down