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4:30 PM

4800 m


4:54 mi

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400-600-400-200 @ mile w/ 200 jog; 2x(600-400-300-200-100 @ 5k/3k/mile/800/fast w/ next jog rest). Workout on a 300m turf loop. Goal paces were (67), 1:51, 70, 49, 30, fast --- + 2.5 / 400 since we were on the turf. We were in a rush to get going, so I didn't get much of a warmup in, just a pair of half hearted strides and a few lunges and leg swings. Still ended up running by myself. It was WINDY AF. Really screwed with the pace + my hands were freezing by the end. This was a pretty tough one it seemed. Was way off on the first set, although we had full recovery afterwards which made me think I could have gone harder after all. After that I pretty much felt better as the workout went on, off on set 2 but pretty much on in set 3. Meh, hopefully will get a more solid w/o in Thursday.
