Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:40 PM

5800 m


5:39 mi

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20 minute tempo run on my own on the track. Planned on going just under 6 for mile one and then progressing down and seeing how it felt.

So it turns out it felt pretty good. First 800 was 2:55 and that felt super easy so I picked it up a bit. Splits were:

Mile 1: 5:42

Mile 2: 5:32

Mile 3: 5:34

Final k: 3:41

Pretty pleased. Was breathing hard pretty much the whole time, but didn't really feel sore in the legs at all. The last 5 minutes or so were a little tough just keeping mentally focused the whole time, but all in all it was relatively easy. Split 17:25 for the final 5k (after the first 800)- so almost 20 seconds faster than I ran in the season opening time trial last fall. Not bad for the tail end of an 80 mile week. Confident that I will be able to add on another 5 minutes at this pace no problem next week.

5x8 sec hill sprints on the XC hill afterwards.

Training Plan Entry



5x8 sec hills




"split 17:25 for the final 5k (after the first 800)- so almost 20 seconds faster than I ran in the season opening time trial last fall. " --love that part, plus the 80 mile week too. Take care

Paul Malek

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