Run: Progression Previous Next


4:15 PM

13.4 mi


6:45 mi


90' progression run, easy->steady effort. Did Kansas->Creek w/ Steve, Colin, Benjie, Sean, and Garrett. So hilly first half, then a long downhill segment, then an uphill finish. Felt pretty good mostly, legs a little tired. Running on Creek and the first half of Spring really sucked, it was totally dark and we kept having to slow down and juke to avoid getting hit by cars / falling in a ditch. We started to pick it up as a group when we got to the long Spring downhill and were going fairly quick, maybe a little faster than steady although it was due to the downhill. Added on by going up 15th + Sunset, which felt slow because of the uphill, but may have been an ok pace. Hurdle mobility before, 6x100m strides afterwards.

Didn't run this morning because I have a ton of homework I need to do that I've been working on all day, hopefully can get it finished on time... will double Saturday.
