Run: Hill Previous Next


5:00 PM

1 mi


5:00 mi

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<No name>


6x10 sec HS; 8x30 sec hills

(Distance made up, CONSERVATIVE)

All things considering (dark, buff chidden sub a few hours earlier) I thought this was a pretty quality hill session. Did it on the Spring St hill, which is certainly less steep than what we do at school, but isn't terrible. Hard to judge how I was doing without other people. The sprints were obviously all out, I didn't feel particularly fast but also didn't feel sluggish like last week. I felt during the 30 sec runs - just went out and ran fast, got a little farther each time, felt quick.

Legs feeling sore afterwards though!

Training Plan Entry


1 mi

6x10 sec HS; 8x30 sec hills
