Run: Tempo Previous Next


4:45 PM

8000 m


5:34 mi

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5x1600m @ T w/ 1 min rest, 4x200 @ mile DP w/ full recovery.

Good workout. Didn't want to run in a big group, so hung back and started with just Joey who ran with me for 2 and then stopped. Goal pace was 5:29-5:34, so I was right on. Started at the slower end of the range and then brought it down as the workout progressed. Felt pretty good, a little tough but not going to the well at all and could easily have done another. Compares favorably to past workouts; in fact, ever rep was faster than any other that I have run in this workout before, 6-8 second faster average than previous best, all at a fairly controlled effort. Good stuff, don't need to feel amazing in workouts or be knocking them out of the park, hopefully as long as I can continue to have solid workouts while keeping volume high, I will be moving in the right direction and will be in a good spot 2 months from now.
