Run: Tempo Previous Next


7:35 PM

8 km


5:56 mi

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Solo 8k continuous tempo on the track. Waited to run until it started to get dark, it cooled off nicely. Had pork for lunch, it was sitting pretty heavily in my stomach. Took 800m splits:

1: 2:59

2: 2:58 (5:57)

3: 2:58

4: 2:59 (5:58)

5: 2:59

6: 2:57 (5:56)

7: 2:56

8: 2:53 (5:49)

9: 2:53

10:2:50 (5:43)

Since it was my longest tempo run ever, I planned on purposely starting at a really conservative pace. First 2 miles were super comfortable. Halfway through I decided that I was still feeling fine and so I started to gradually bring down the pace. Had a bit of a stomach stitch (from the pork) the last two miles, but otherwise felt strong. Somewhat mentally tough staying focused for 20 laps, but physically it felt pretty easy, so not too worried that it wasn't that quick. 8x8 sec hill sprints afterwards (forgot that it was supposed to be 10 seconds).

Something to keep in mind... despite feeling terrible on the shakeout this morning, felt good working out- funny how that works.

Training Plan Entry



8x10 sec hill sprints
