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7:38 PM

6.2 mi


8:32 mi

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I'm BACK BBBY! Knee felt 100% the entire time! No pain, no tightness, no discomfort whatsoever!

With that said, craziest / scariest run ever. Stopped off at Cutler Park in Dedham to run the trails on the way back from NY. Saw a snake! I followed the Blue Heron trail further down then we went last time, across a second boardwalk. Turned around at 22' because it was getting pretty dark... but got really lost on the way back and was running in circles! Eventually it got so dark that I just started running towards the sound of traffic... found myself on I-95 and ran a mile south on the highway until I got to the on ramp and found my car.

Pretty pumped about this run, except for the scary stuff it was a lot of fun! Trail is awesome and need to get back and run the whole loop. Knee felt great, unbelievably great! Pace was slow, but it was dark and on trails and the GPS is probably cheating me a little bit... in any case I don't really care. Hoping to get in 50-60 miles next week in singles, with my knee feeling good!
