Run: Tempo Previous Next


6:33 PM

7600 m


5:43 mi


160 bpm
178 bpm
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Wednesday night tempo workout with RobN / Shaun / Jerry, Rob's workout was 3x4800m w/ 2' rest @ 5:40, 5:35, 5:30. That sounded like more than I could handle, but I decided to just try and hang as long as I can. It was a hot and breezy night, albeit not too humid. First rep went okay, led the second mile, hung with the group even with the fastish pace. Things went south fairly quickly on the second rep, was hanging onto Shaun for dear life, yoyo'd a bit on the first mile but was able to stay in contact, but fell off at the start of the second and stopped (at that point I had been thinking that getting 5 miles total would be pretty solid). Jogged a lap, then tried to rejoin the group, but the pace just felt too quick - made it through < 800m before falling off, aerobically felt o.k. but legs slow & heavy. Ended the workout there.
