Run: Tempo Previous Next


11:15 AM

5 mi


5:44 mi

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First workout of the summer, 5-6xmile (full mile) @ tempo w/ 1 min rest. Pretty nice day, windy but cool. Ok workout, not as good as I'd hoped. Started the first one way too fast and slowed it way down to hit 5:40. Felt good and aimed for mid 5:40s for the next two and was right on. By number 4 I was pretty tired though. Since the 5th was my slowest one I decided to stop there. Wasn't going to the well by any means on any of these, was running at what I thought felt like a tempo effort, but I had hoped that would end up being faster. Brew Run in one week, hopefully can run just under 30 minutes (5:46 pace).

Training Plan Entry


6 mi

5-6x1600 @ tempo (5:20-5:30) w/ 1 min rest



Nice, it only gets easier. Your muscle memory will kick in now and the next time will be easier/better.