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8:46 AM

11200 m


6:37 mi


154 bpm
180 bpm
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Quincy High School

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Out of curiosity, tried a Hadd Test at QHS. Not perfect conditions, but pretty good... slight wind, fairly warm. Test was pretty unsuccessful... supposed to be 5x2400m @ 140, 150, 160, 170, 180 bpm w/ 1:30 rest, with the idea being to see what pace is the stable one at each heart rate. Tried to work up to the HR over the first 1-2 laps and then maintain steady from there, but I had trouble getting up to each one apparently. Particularly on the last one, it ended up being too hard to even get my HR up to 180, and I stopped at 1600m. Pretty strange since I can obviously manage a faster pace than that. Not sure this test ended up showing anything interesting after all, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

PRERUN: lunge matrix, leg swings



U been HADD!