Run: Fartlek Previous Next


4:40 PM

9.6 mi


6:42 mi

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Fartlek workout. 10 up, then 6x(4 @8k race pace, 3 off), then 15 down (includes the last 3 off). Ran with the guys who aren't at Paul Short. Did a good loop, went up North Lakes to Miller, then took a right and went around the lake and came back on North Lakes. Finished going downhill on Hoosick. Good loop, some rolling hills most of the way. Totaled 6.38 mi for the 6 on and 5 off segments, averaging 6:07 per mile.

A good workout for me. I chilled hard the first 3 segments in the back and just tried to run fast while staying relaxed. Felt good in the second half and pushed myself a little. Went to the well a little bit on the last two just for fun. Lift afterwards.

9 days is way too long to have to wait to race again.
