Run: Long Previous Next


5:30 PM

14.7 mi


7:01 mi

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90-120 min

Long run on my own from Osborn's. Planned on doing the same 2 hr loop I did on my own a few weeks ago. First half hour was very nice, a light rain cooled me off. I decided to try and take some splits so I can compare Osborne's runs at least a little:

First woods segment: 10:01

2nd woods segment: 4:22

Dirt path/road: 7:33


Overpass/street: 3:28

3rd woods segment: 5:04

Pond loop: 30:20

In the 3rd woods segment the rain stopped and all of a sudden about ~750k bugs started to swarm me. I put up with them for about a half hour and even swallowed a few to try and scare them off but eventually it was too much to bear and I decided to abort my planned run. Ran back to the bog on the roads and then came back the normal way, thinking that the bugs wouldn't be as bad. It worked for a while but eventually they found me again and almost dragged me down for good. When I finally escaped to Osborn's I wasn't exhausted but was in a really bad mood and was not at all motivated to add on :(.

Another week where I ran less than I would have liked but in my defense I was sick for 3 or 4 days in there. 1 more double and I would have been in a good spot.

Training Plan Entry


17.1 mi


90-120 min


Jarrett Kunze

The trick is to just make them THINK you're going to swallow them, but then spit em out and yell "TELL YOUR FRIENDS WHAT YOU SAW, AND DONT COME BACK YA HEAR?"