Run: Tempo Previous Next


7:23 PM

5 mi


5:57 mi


164 bpm
186 bpm


69 F
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Franklin Park

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GBTC workout, 5 mile tempo @ FP. Did continuous loops of the Wilderness + a Stadium loop, each full loop was approximately 1.5 miles. Ended up running with a larger group, said before I wanted to start at 5:50s but that's when I was thinking it would be on the road... content to start in the pack of the group, slowly moved up a little bit as it went but not as much as expected. Didn't feel very good, indigestion for most of it and generally just felt heavy and sluggish. Pacing was consistent but was ramping up effort throughout, never got out of control but by mile 5 I was working pretty hard and slowing so I decided I was good to finish there (4-6 miles prescribed). It's a bummer because it was a pretty nice night for a tempo, cool and no humidity. Not sure if the lesson here is that the LR - EZ day - w/o 3 day span is not enough time for me to recover, or I just need to get more fit... not sure yet what my goal/plan is for B2B, will decide next week. Definitely faster than last year, will be disappointed if I don't get a road PR but sub 34 might be tough...
