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7:00 AM

8.9 mi


7:14 mi

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Deliberated all night long about whether or not to wake up early and run (leaving RPI at 8:30), thought my knee was hurting at night. Anyway,ended up getting myself up at 6:45, doing my lunges, and going. Felt good once I got started, a little dull ache in the knee but it wasn't bad, just a little stiff. All in all, it was a great run, really satisfying to have close to 9 miles done before 8 in the morning.

Of course, the downside is that as of this writing (~10:00 AM) my left knee really hurts when I move it. Not even popping as far as I can tell, just stiff and hurts. Hopefully this is something that will just pass, I'll rest and ice it tonight. Gotta remember to do core tonight too.
