Run: Fartlek Previous Next


4:10 PM

11.1 mi


6:19 mi


Great run. 70' w/ 6x45 sec pickups @ 5k effort in the second half. Did a good loop, around North Lake and then cut back up Miller and down Liberty. Solid group of me, Steve, Jake, Brian, Faz, and Bobby. Guest appearance by Mike Yang who evidently hammered to catch up to us at 3 miles, he went back on North Lake when we turned up Miller the 2nd time though. Started the pickups 37 minutes in. Since there were 6 of us we played a fun game - decided that each of us would lead one pickup, but there were no rules for what order we would go in or when we would start each one. It kept things interesting. Ended up taking about 2:30-3:00 between each one, except for the last one which Jake waited a solid 8 minutes before starting. The pickups were definitely faster than 5k effort... s'all good though. Fartleks are great in a group, we were able to keep the pace honest the whole way through.

I can't wait to race Saturday. I am 100% confident that I am in wayyyyy better shape than I've ever been before. What I'm not confident with is my ability to have a good cross country race, so it's time to pop that cherry. Should be a good confidence booster this weekend.

PRERUN: mini bands, lunge matrix, spidermen, leg swings, partner band core

POSTRUN: 6xgrass strides
