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7:20 PM

5600 m


5:31 mi

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Reggie Lewis


GBTC workout. Planned on workout out with the marathon group, who were doing 3x1600 @ HM w/ 1 lap rest, 6-7x1k @ 10k. I figured that would be tough, but they claimed that they would be aiming for 5:30 for the 1600s so I thought I could hang on the back of that. Unsurprisingly, they were faster than that, barely hung for #1 and was off the back right away in #2. 2' rest after #1, after #2 I took ~70 seconds and started on my own. Could tell during it that my legs were trashed from the 22 miler two days ago, so cut the workout after the 1600s. Jogged for 15', did 4x200, then jogged for another 24'. Didn't feel good on the 200s either...

I think I made the right decision tonight (well, the right decision may have been to push the workout to later in the week...)
