Run: Easy Previous Next


4:15 PM

10.5 mi


6:41 mi


Very solid run to kick off the first day of track base training. Started with a big group, slow first 25ish minutes before breaking off to go longer, accompanied by Tyler. Pretty windy out and we did a fairly hilly route but I felt good and gradually increased the pace as the run progressed. Once we got out of the country club hills I settled into a good feeling pace, split off from Tyler at 50 to get to 70 total. Good average pace considering the slowish start and the toughish conditions. Afterwards, grabbed six hurdles and did pretty much all of the drills I can remember. If I can do drills 2, 3 times a week I'll call that a victory, I definitely have lots of room for improvement on my hurdling technique and flexibility for the steeplechase.

Good meeting with coach today, mostly talked about track which is good because that is what's ahead. 6 months from now, maybe it will be time to figure out what I can do differently for cross. Going to be focusing on the 3k this winter, with maybe some miles and maybe even a 5k, in preparation for the steeplechase outdoors. Very excited. Will hold off on more specific track goals for now. Hopping in the 3k TT on Friday which should give me a good indication of where I'm at right now (I think it's a good place to be). More or less building back up for the next two weeks, by the the last week or two of November want to be in the 100 mpw range and then plan on holding that through December and then we'll see what will happen. Shouldn't be too difficult, something like 5x30min doubles, 1x2hr long run, 1x90' med-long run, and then 5x70' runs (could be easy, or could be a total of wu/workout/cd). I think it's something like 10 weeks until the start of the indoor season, so that's an insane amount of time to put in some great base training.


Paul Malek

running is 4 l00zer5


what are you planning on racing in track?

Robert LaMarre


Paul Malek

can't ya read brah


wow, I guess not!