Run: Progression Previous Next


6:50 PM

7.5 mi


6:51 mi


Ran from home on my own. Felt pretty good, surprisingly really wasn't that sore in the legs at all. Uphills were tough, but downhills and flats I felt really smooth. Feet a little sore which is weird. Started out slow (also uphill) and kept it easy for the first 2-3 miles, unlike last time. Biggest problem was a stomach bug, felt weird and had to pull over twice. Final hill going onto Pleasant St was really tough but after that I was really cranking for the last quarter mile, like really unnecessary sprint. Felt good though. Splits of 7:46 - 7:32 - 7:17 - 6:45 - 6:31 - 6:23 - 6:07 - 3:05 for .52 (5:55 pace).

Training Plan Entry



6 strides
