Run: Easy Previous Next


5:30 PM

9.2 mi


7:19 mi


Nice solo night run. Felt pretty good after the first uphills were over. Kinda surprised it was this slow, but I wasn't trying to run fast and I guess the dark just makes it seem like a quicker pace.

Fun anecdote for the day: was almost back when stomach troubles forced an emergency pit stop. No sweat, it was pretty much perfect timing as I was just running by the Union. PLOT TWIST: the bathroom on the ground floor is roped off, "CLOSED FOR CLEANING". Turn around to go upstairs, take two steps and realize that's not an option. Look both ways down the hallway and then surreptitiously duck under the tape and do my business.

On an unrelated note, so pumped for day 2 of #WeekOfBurritos !


Paul Malek


Paul Malek

Damn you were cutting it close if you couldn't even make it up the stairs, good thing the union isn't 20ft further away...

Paul Malek

Bye bye top of the leaderboard for me :(

Robert LaMarre

Yeah hope you enjoyed your brief run those days are over