Run: Easy Previous Next


9:00 AM

7.4 mi


6:56 mi


174.6 lb


Practice #2! Another easy run w/ Brian, Faz, and Jake. Again I felt pretty dang tired, quads killed. Actually I felt a little better, I only really was hurting going uphill, everything else felt okay. Brian and Faz just wanted to do 50' because they are doubling later and since I've been feeling so crappy I decided to do the same. Not worried yet - let's face it, my easy runs this summer were pretty slow, so now that I'm running with other people and running a normal pace regularly I expect an adjustment period. I am confident that I am in great shape, I've had good workouts this summer and am looking forward to Tuesday's workout. Tomorrow will probably be harder than I would like, but shouldn't have any real problems with it.

Hip felt fine today, didn't feel it all until the very end of the run and even then there was no pain. I had some heel pain this morning but I massaged my calf and it went away before the run. Did the hip massage before running this morning, will do it at least two more times this afternoon.

BIG drop in weight between yesterday and today, which means I'm probably dehydrated... gotta drink up! 4+ Nalgene's / day.

PRERUN: mini bands, lunge matrix, spider mans, leg swings, partner band core

POSTRUN: hurdle flex w/ medball
