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4:45 PM

2000 m


4:30 mi


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6x200 @ 1500 w/ 200 jog, 4x200 over 2 hurdles w/ 200 jog. Aiming for 33/38, ran with Brian, Aldous, & Kunz. It was REALLY windy once again, made it pretty tough. We took ~1 min rest between the flat 2s, and 2' rest between the hurdle 200s. Tbh the flat 200s felt FAST even though I was wearing spikes, it was a little scary how hard it felt like I had to run to hit 33s (maybe just the wind)? But then I had no problem running fast on the hurdles, felt pretty good going over them. I even led over one with my right leg! Coach said it looked pretty good, but that everyone was having the problem of not leaning into the hurdle with their upper bodies. Also, I think that it would have been better if I could have run slower over the hurdles so that I could get more used to steeple race pace. But, I guess that wasn't what today was about anyway.

Looking forwards to the 1500 this weekend! Goal is to just run hard and competitively in my heat. Don't think I should have any problem getting a PR... I think I am in sub 4:10 shape.
