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4:45 PM

10 km


5:18 mi

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1k Loop


2x(5x1k @ 10k) w/ 1 min rest between Ks, 5 minutes between the two sets. Goal pace was 3:20-3:22 (although coach did say that was conservative). The track still has some ice and snow on it, so we did an all pavement loop, which was ok. It started with a gradual uphill, but then after that was pretty much all flat downhill; it did have a few more 90 degree turns then I would have liked. It was a beautiful, warm day to workout. All the LD + steeple guys ran together, I had the same goal pace as Brian/Steve/Aldous, but we started each one with Sean/Bobby/Jake as well.

I thought I had a great workout. It was tough, I was definitely feeling it in the legs, but it was broken up enough that it was really easy to stay focused, and I felt strong throughout. Every one was under the goal pace and I wasn't killing it or ever really feeling in danger of falling off the pace. I was in the back of our group every time, and was off the back for most of the second half. So I was getting shortchanged on rest by 5 seconds or so each time. I could have ran harder to stay with the group, but since I was already under the pace and had never run a workout this long before, I figured I'd just play it safe and was content to hang in back.

Lift afterwards. Hopefully we'll do some hurdle stuff this week!


Paul Malek

I spy a 100 rolling 7! Solid workout


Taken from Steve Magness Personal Notes:

• Beta Alanine

o 10weeks of beta alanine supplementation can increase carnosine

concentration by100% and buffer capacity 8%

o Cycle- 1 for a week, 2,3,4 then 1-2 maintenance dose


• Beet Root juice:

o Acute and longer term(15 days) effects

o Good evidence with untrained and moderately trained. In well

trained/elite has been mixed. Some elites have already

maximized this limiter. So likely varies on whether it works for

each elite.

o Recommended dose: consume in the 3-5 days leading up, and

then a final dose morning of race (at least 3-4+ hours away)


• Caffeine:

o caffeine enters the blood stream within 10-15 minutes. Stays around for

4-5 hours. High dose more than 24 hours.

o dose response: 3mg/kg body mass is ergogenic and produces maximal


o There are Responders AND non-responders to caffeine….probably

because of genetic polymorphis

o Brain may be more sensitized to caffeine as the athlete becomes more


! (time caffeine to hit during most fatigued part of race? Or is

caffeine more sensitive when fatigued from training?)


• Post workout/Recovery:

o Protein-15-20g at least

o Protein “hits” every 3-4hrs

o Protein bolus before bed increase protein synthesis and anabolic effect

o BCAAs (leucine)- increase protein sythenesis

o Avoid foods high in fiber that dampens anabolic effect

• Protein and carbs help return cortisol levels to normal

o Cortisol levels rise when blood glucose levels drop and during high

intensity work

Robert LaMarre

What is a bolus? And so is my usual dinner of whole wheat pasta and broccoli (high fiber) hindering training adapation?


I think it is a typo- bolus=bonus?


hard to tell...brocolli has so much good to it...cut it out for a season on workout days and see what happens


maybe bolus is you bolus?

Paul Malek

coach you can't just ask someone if they bolus! that's personal

Sean Quinn

Bolus is a mass of food that has been chewed to a point at which it can be swallowed.

See below:

Interestingly, this definition might actually work in the context above. Make sure to chew a mass of protein to the point at which it can be swallowed before bed. lol