Run: Tempo Previous Next


4:30 PM

3200 m


5:36 mi

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<No name>


3200m over 4 hurdles at tempo effort (5:25 / 1600 effort). Coach said he expected it to be about 20 seconds total slower, so I'd say this was pretty much a perfect pace. The four hurdles were put on the straightaways in lane 4, so I would run the corners in lane 1 and then drift outside to hit the two hurdles on each straightaway. Pretty windy day. Felt strong throughout, it was an easy enough workout. Tried to practice accelerating into and out of each hurdle, picking my spot and going up from farther out. I wasn't reallly doing it right, I stuttered pretty frequently, but I still felt like it was helping a lot just to have the mental cue of accelerating at each barrier. Hopefully I'll smooth out my steps with a little more practice.

Very excited for this weekend - I think today shows that I really should have no difficulty running better than I have been. I just want to start conservative and focus on hurdling well. Getting under 10 should be well within my wheelhouse and will be a good confidence booster heading into states.
