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9:49 AM

18.4 mi


6:47 mi


148 bpm
173 bpm


42 F
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After a late night at Shannon's GEI holiday party, + being in a rush to get to the Gillette for tailgating, decided it didn't make sense to race the 3k after all. Bummed, but so it goes. Did ~18 mile LR, w/ 1E:1MP throughout (the last two miles I kept easy). Felt pretty good, a little tired, had to go to the bathroom halfway through. Pacing was inconsistent, I always find it hard to get back to the right rhythm during the "on" miles. Legs were definitely feeling fatigued in the final few miles, although there are 3 decent hills in there so not too suprising. Saw Pat Cunningham running with the Northeastern crew out by Castle Island, a fun fly-by. A pretty good run all in all, from a training perspective this was probably better than racing the 3k w/o a long cooldown (which I wouldn't have been able to do and get to the game).


Week 8/20: 88 miles yet again, the roundest of numbers! Going to keep aiming for 90, but falling short by a mile or two each week really isn't the end of the world, as long as the *consistency* remains. I would like to get a few 90+ though... this week provided the first taste of the time-management challenge that taking classes is gonna present, get the full dose this week, we'll see how I handle it! This week wasn't a step back or anything, but it wasn't great - got in the miles, but the two quality days weren't anything special, and still NO SAM. I am walking on thin ice in this respect I think... can't be ignoring that stuff. The marathon is still way far away, just need to take things one day/week at a time and be consistent. When I compare my MHM buildup graph to my current marathon prep, there's no doubt that I will be infinitely better prepared if I can stay the course.
