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1:30 PM


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Went solo to check out CRG-Cambridge after LR, just had a quick lunch first. Pretty nice gym, similar size to Rockspot (maybe a little bigger?), ~15 minute drive to get to. They actually have a weight room too FWIW. Bouldering only, but higher walls than Rockspot I'd say... definitely will consider a CRG membership, especially since Watertown isn't much farther and has top rope, so would be able to go there as well... also, Rockspot has a cheap day rate and is close to work so maybe less benefit to having a membership there.

Anyways... was hoping I would be better after watching some beginner videos last night, but still did pretty well I thought! Climbed almost all of the V0s and even 1 or two V1s. The V0s were no joke either, about half of them took a few attempts for me to get them. At first I was intimidated because there were very few "flat wall" problems (most were on some degree of overhang) but that ended up being not as big a problem as I feared. I didn't buy chalk which I think was a mistake, got a nice fat blister on my right hand and I think that a weak grip was my biggest weakness... most of that is probably just strength of course, but still, I'm sure the chalk would have helped.

Self-diagnosed 2 things I need to work on: 1. Grip strength, my legs / arms / back / weren't super sore at the end of this, I just felt like I couldn't really hold stuff effectively any more; 2. Making a quick move out of an initial position, some of the climbs started in what felt like an awkward position but I think I just need to realize that I can hold myself there for a second and quickly move into a more balanced spot.
