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4:10 PM

6.4 mi


5:30 mi

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Peach fuzz pt 2. Similar to last week, but kept it local - 200m hills on Detroit, and 600s on a loop around the Joseph - Warren neighborhood. Coach said he didn't want this one to be quite as hard, and wanted our group (Steve, Colin, Garrett, Cish, Tyler, Bobby, and I) sticking together the whole time. 3rd workout of the week and not the slowest recovery run yesterday, so I was expecting it to sting a little.

The tempo went well. Coach said that our goal was to start ~6:30 and cut down to 5:25, so we were a little slow. The loop I picked out for us was perfect, but it was difficult - went up the steep Sunset uphill twice. I led the whole thing and and tried to ramp up the pace as we worked into it while keeping the effort reasonable, the whole group stuck together and although the average pace was a little slow, I think it was about right for the route. Felt good.

Hills felt great, really easy honestly. 2' rest before and then 6x200m up Detroit. Just hung around the front of our group, pushed it a bit the last 2 but not that much. Jog back rest between each which was plenty.

2' rest, then 4x600m w/ 90" rest in a neighborhood loop. We screwed up the first one and went a little short, figured it out after that though. This was probably the hardest part. I led the first 3 at what felt like a good hard pace, did pretty much the same thing on the last but kinda wish I had hung with the guys who got a few seconds on me, after keeping reasonably controlled the whole workout I wasn't mentally ready to respond.

It was good workout, a solidly hard day and our group stuck together the whole time. Wasn't nearly the effort that last week was, probably still the hardest workout of the week? Hard to say, I ended up feeling great for all three. We'll have to see if tomorrow's long run turns into Slamfest 2014... maybe I'll be feeling it, maybe not!



Damn, 35 on DETROIT!

Robert LaMarre

.99 ...


New meaning for "Motor City"