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So for the next couple of weeks the mid D group is focusing on mechanics/ speed/ explosiveness and stuff, and to that end Tuesdays are "sprint days". No running, just various drills. Will be doing a regular run in the morning for future weeks though.

Today we did various toe walks, mini bands, leg swings, spidermans, and inch worms. Then did the normal coordination drills + a few other ones- knee to chest, toe walks, heel walks, toe grabs, maybe more I can't remember.

Did mach drills, A-march, A skip, A-run, and B-march.

Did plyos: 3x8 pogo jumps, 3x3 squat jumps, 2x10 m fast skips, and 2x10 m ankle flips.

Did 10 short hill sprints focusing on form.

Cooldown then lifted (3 lifts / week).
