Run: Tempo Previous Next


4:30 PM

4.2 mi


5:59 mi

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20-25 min tempo run (5:40-5:50) -- Go straight into cooldown

This was imo probably my best tempo run in Troy. I felt really shitty from the beginning, felt like I was sucking wind and was dead legged during the mile on the track and both of my shoes came untied. But then I pushed a little going up around the rink and got into a good rhythm and was able to push through for most of the run despite not feeling very good. First two miles (track + road segment to Colonie) were both in ~ low 5:40s. So then I guess the pace slowed from there, a lot of uphill on Burdett and then People's + Detroit. I lost a lot of time crossing the street on Burdett too, I basically had to stop and wait for cars. Finished strong up Detroit I think.

Training Plan Entry


4.4 mi


20-25 min tempo run (5:40-5:50)

Go straight into cooldown
