Run: Tempo Previous Next


3:30 PM

6 mi


6:02 mi


Solo tempo run. Did a 3 mile road route twice. Goal was to run ~18 minutes for the first loop and then faster on the second loop. Split 18:07, 18:05.

Solid run. It was tough to gauge pace, I didn't really know any mile markers and the there were some small hills so effort varied a bit. I had hoped to run faster on loop 2. Wasn't terrible though, at least I was consistent and I think I could have run faster if I knew I was running too slow. I got in a pretty good rhythm and could have continued at that pace.

Now for some final 2012 analysis...

Total miles: 3096, an average of 8.46 / day. Took a total of 22 days off, so ran for 344/366 days, on average 9 mi/ day running. 700+ miles more than 2011. Averaged 59.5 mi / week, 63 mi / week if you only count weeks I was running. Hit monthly highs in all months except May and October. Set PRs in every distance from 1k to 5.2 mi. Qualifed for states in the steeple. Won the donut 2k.

Goals for next year: PR in every distance from 800 up. Qualify for states indoors and outdoors. Beat Jesse in the Memorial Day RR. Average ~65 mi / week for the year. Be in the 80 mi / week range for most of the summer, maybe hit 90 once or twice. Defend my donut 2k title. Win a t-shirt at the Brew Run. Run a GOOD xc season.
