Run: Easy Previous Next


4:30 PM

13.6 mi


7:15 mi


And the results are in! After a very tough first half (only 48 miles as of Friday morning), our hero came roaring back in what has to be the biggest upset since the Pats-Broncos game!

Wasn't sure when I was gonna run today, considering waiting til late, didn't know how far I would go. But got in touch with Paul and found out that him and Jarrett were running at 3:30 so I told them to run with me. Thankfully they were doing their long run, so I had a no excuse not to go long as well. Did ~86 minutes with them then added on another 10 or so. Felt fine except that I was pretty uncomfortable because I had eaten a heavy lunch ~2.5 hours earlier + 6 little chocolate chip muffins immediately before running (but "thankfully" did not partake in the majority of the thanksgiving dinner before running.

Shoes have over 700 miles on them, how bout that ASICS order?



I know, how bout it.

Very good Gerry Lindgren impersonation today.