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5:30 PM

4.2 mi


5:58 mi

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Man oh man I sabotaged myself this workout. Having dinner at Ryan's house at 7, so I decided to run the workout at 5- it was ~90 degrees out. Felt alright during the warmup, first mile on the track felt alright in 5:44 but I was overheating fast. Stopped for a quick water break at 1.5 miles (8:39), did another lap in 83 and then went out and hit the course to try and get out of the sun. Took another 2.5 minute break in the woods, so ended up with ~25 minutes of work (don't know the pace in the woods, a hard effort though) split into 3 segments.

Workout was challenging but was nothing like what I had hoped for. Couldn't manage it in the heat, poor planning. Brew run next week, not sure yet what my goal pace will be.

Training Plan Entry



2x15 min w/ 2 min rest

6x10 sec hill sprints



Run with your heart. Goal pace is for hobby joggers. Just get out there and race, do something that I've struggled with. Be confident, that's a huge part of running. The summer is a great time to experiment with tactics. Even this XC season will be a great time to see what works for you. Try going out hard. Try just cruising the first couple miles. Once you find what gets you excited to race the results will follow.