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10:11 AM

22.1 mi


6:35 mi


135 bpm
175 bpm


15 F
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Powder Point Bridge Loop

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Final MP LR of the progression, 16 miles! Stuck to the plan and did it as part of a 22 miler; ran my Powder Point Bridge run from Pembroke to avoid stoplights etc. Wanted to start at 6:15ish and work down to ~6:05... unfortunately, didn't work out in that perfect scenario. First mile was my fastest like a noob! Mostly that was due to the conditions, was fighting the wind much of the way from Powder Point on back, as well as dealing with some hills. By the time I got to the flat and protected final few miles, I was pretty gassed and just did my best to hold the line.

Ended up with a 6:14 avg pace for the tempo, slower than I wanted, but I'm still happy with this. It was a long tough effort, challenged my focus. There were a few stretches into the wind where I thought I was gonna have to call it early but was able to get through and make it to greener pastures where I would feel better. In better conditions I probably could have averaged a few seconds faster, but dunno that 6:07 was in the cards today... I think this run shows that I should set my sights a little lower for the marathon, aim for a 6:10-6:15 average. Was expecting this run to be tough, and knew that I wasn't going to finish tempo feeling like I could go another 10 at MP even on the best day, but still... a slower goal pace seems prudent. If everything goes well, maybe I can surprise myself... I'm pretty confident that I will better on race day w/ a good taper and some rest.

Experimented with some GU today, hard to tell how much of a difference it made but it at least didn't seem to hurt. Strawberry-Banana flavor was just fine.

POST: hip mobility

Week 15/20: Quite a week for me! A little lower mileage, but two SOLID quality days, nice and long. Hay is mostly in the barn at this point, a few more weeks of good training but nothing too crazy, and then ~2 week taper. New Bedford HM next week will be a good final checkpoint to see where I'm at and what my final goal should be. NEED more hip mobility!


Paul Malek

omg fastest first mile?? nooooooooooob

Robert LaMarre

Not fastest GAP so s'all good

Paul Malek

:jrt: :stirred: