Run: Progression Previous Next


4:15 PM

8.3 mi


6:02 mi


Foot drills, lunge and reach, and leg swings.

50 minute progression run, last 15 minutes @ tempo pace (5:40-5:50) on the track.

Me and TyGuh boned this up a bit. For our run we did an out and back on Rte 2 before finishing on the track. The out segment started with two steep downhills (Sunset + Orchard), then a gradual uphill then downhill. We went out too hard, 6:17 pace for the first 18 mins (2.86 miles). Turned around and tried to crank up the pace a little bit. On the first uphill segment I felt like junk, but kept it together and recovered. We got to the bottom of Orchard (2.06 mi) 5:59. The double hill was tough ,but it had a quick downhill after, we got to the start line (.89 mi) @ 6:06 pace. The track segment was very tough, I was pretty tired but mentally I was keyed in. Traded every 1k or so with Tyler. We did 4k in 14:08, 5:41 pace. Can't complain.

So not nearly as fast a finish as last time, but faster average pace and definitely a harder effort, a much more challenging route imo. Starting out faster was tougher, but I think the goal for future runs is to be more like last week, where we started slower, picked it up, slammed in, and felt awesome.

9x100 m cutdowns and lift afterwards.
