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9:30 AM

16.9 mi


7:07 mi


Long run from Osborn's with Ryan, Joe, and Paul (did my long run today because they all wanted to do theirs today). Did a 90 minute loop with them (main loop to the last bog, then a back loop), then ran home. Alright run, legs were hurting for most of it but no one was pushing it so it wasn't bad.

402 miles in November, 2nd biggest month of all time but largest ever year to year jump in a month's mileage (148 miles more than last November). Looking for an easy all time high in December.


Sean Quinn

99.9 miles? What about the 0.1 miles to reach 100. jk

Paul Malek

Looks like we got a Saturday-Sunday logger here ^

Robert LaMarre


Robert LaMarre

Tune in tomorrow for the thrilling conclusion to Thanskgiving week - will our hero get in 17.4 miles?? You'll just have to wait and see

Paul Malek

I just peed myself I'm so excited

Paul Malek
