Run: Tempo Previous Next


7:15 PM

6 mi


5:35 mi

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At coach's recommendation, did 6xmile w/ 1' rest. Supposed to be 5:30-5:32 for 1600s so I figured it should be scaled back to 5:32-5:34 as the goal. Figured it would be fine to start a little slower and work my way into the range, and I pretty much did. Was a little worried when 2 and 3 were slower than 1, but then didn't have any problems hitting the pace in the second half. Had a pretty easy time getting into the rhythm for these, after doing all these continuous tempos having a break every mile made this a mental breeze. I could have kept going, everything felt pretty strong.

Hip was annoying throughout but not painful. It got a little more painful on the cooldown after I sat around for a bit, I think that having a good warmup helped a lot. Not too worried but gonna keep rolling!



Remind me to check it out today