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60 F
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<No name>


rode in 20, mare was really pretty good, worked a lot on leg yields, at all gaits, she was better in canter going left, to the right she was a lil out of control...at trot she was better going left also, to the right there was more resistance...did a few half passes at the walk...had a couple instances at the start of being stupid near the tree but she worked out of it

had gretchen in, she did a 60+ minute massage, noted lots of tenderness in the right shoulder and left flank, recommended getting her on vit e/selenium supp and trying a handheld massager/heating pad on those areas before i ride...kheepers was also sore in the leg muscles tying in to the underside of her chest and she wasn't real thrilled about being asked to do belly/back lifts either...hopefully she will feel even better under saddle next time
