Bike: Race Previous Next


11:00 AM

15 mi


24.32 mi / hr


143 lb


85 F
  • Map


The race course suited me perfectly.

Big hill 2 blocks long, gradual down hill, long straight with the wind.

I started out patient to feel out the race, moved up 5-6 ppl on every hill climb. By the 5th lap, I was leading and pulled away for 2 laps. I knew I wasnt strong enough and let the pack catch me. I won a few primes and stayed near the front the entire time. I wanted to go with 5 laps to go, but no one was strong enough to go with me. Everyone who tried to go with me would last 1 lap maybe a lil more. My stomach was upset half way throu the race and ended up throwing up twice, both on the last lap. I got caught on the home stretch with 1.5 blocks to go....kinda mad that I ended up 3rd instead of winning, but I cant be too mad because I got experience, had a blast, and it was my first crit.
