Run: Race Previous Next


5:00 PM

8 km


5:16 mi


Nike Miler XC


145 lb


50 F

Race Result

9 / 200 (4.5%)
  • Map


Mile 1- 5:17

Mile 2- 5:17

Mile 3- 5:19

Mile 4- 5:07

Mile 5- 5:10

Took the first mile nice and ez. I was talking to our guys throughout the first two miles. I helped get our guys in a nice pack and working together. We had a massive group from the mile mark throu 2.5 miles. I felt super relaxed throu 5k, and had to hold myself back repeatedly. I kept reminding myself to take it ez and treat it like a workout. I bridged the gap to Wheels, Otto, and Pearson by the 2nd mile and pulled away from them around 2.5 miles. As soon as I hit the 3 mile, I picked up the pace and threw in a surge about 1/4 mile in length.

I caught Warren just before the 4 mile mark and worked with him for the rest of the race. I would gap him and he would close it on the uphills; then I would gap him again. I pulled away from Warren for the last time 800m to go.

Peter Johnson (a Stout guy) passed me with 400m to go, and I really didnt feel like trying to run him down. Then he looked back and I got pissed...NEVER, EVER LOOK BACK AS YOU RUN DOWN THE HOME STRETCH!!! It there is one thing I hate, it's ppl that look back...I started to shift gears and was gaining speed. He kept looking back every 30 yds or so and just edged me out. I didnt have the race mindset to run him down; I was still in workout mode.

Overall, I was very pleased with my performance. My stomach was upset for most of the race, but that was the only thing that really bugged me. My shoulders and biceps were cold and tight most of the race and as the race progressed the tightness worked its way down to my forearms. It felt like a workout and that was the mentality I had. Next @ Jim Drews, I need to work on the mental side of my race, put myself in position from the start and race throu the pain after 5k. This race was good confidence booster and test for the foot.

I cannot wait til I race again.
