Bike: Training Previous Next


6:00 PM

46.6 mi


20.71 mi / hr


143 lb


80 F
  • Map

South of EC


didnt have by magnet so I had no idea how fast we were going or the distance. I still had cadence, so that helped. I hung out near the rear of the pack until we started the climb up the ridge back to EC. From that point on, Mike Johnson, Anthony, another guy on a TT bike, and myself did all of the pace setting. As soon as we turned of f of HWY 93 onto Lowes Creek Rd, we averaged between 25-28 mph. I pulled away on the first hill but they caught me a short time later. I conserved my strength until the small hill before the 94 overpass. I was in the 3rd position and as soon I felt the pace slow @ the bottom of the short hill, I veered left and crushed the hill, gaping everyone but Mike Johnson, who was right behind me. I didnt expect to drop him too, but I was happy to finish the ride like that.. Rides like this only give me more confidence.
