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9:10 AM

5 km


4:52 mi


Nike Miler XC


143 lb


62 F


Did the EC Triathlon with Anne B. and Ritzer. Anne did the 500yd swim, Ritzer did the 17 mile bike and I ran 5k. Anne did decent in the win with a 11:30, Ritzer averaged just over 21 mph and finished the bike in 47:50ish. Our transitions were very quick handing he chip off, taking 37 and 25 seconds each. I started the run hauling ass from the adrenaline. I flew up the hill without a problems and caught my breathe 100m past the top. I was passing people left and right because the teams were the last waves to start, so everyone had either 2, 4, 6, or 8 min on us. I rolled throu the mile in 4:48, which felt awesome considering the big hill I just ran up. I relaxed a little the second mile and didnt use the downhills to my advantage. My second mile was 4:52 and this is when I started to feel my legs get a little heavy. The last little hill, before taking the long down hill was the worst, it was small, but i didnt expect it. After I got out of Carson, it seemed to go pretty fast. I rolled up on a guy with 200m left and he wouldnt let my go; he pushed the pace until he was in a dead sprint and I stuck with him the entire time. After he had reached top end, I hammered it and left him in the dust....there was no way I was going to let some guy outkick me in a 5k, especially with me being fresh and him already doing two other events....Overall I am really happy with my performance, I wanted to be right around 5 min pace...(I wasnt sure how my body would respond to 2 weeks rest and I havent done a road race in a while...)

1 mile cooldown afterwards

