Run: Hauling Ass Previous Next


12:15 PM

7 mi


6:11 mi


143 lb


69 F
  • Map

Long Carson


I felt a little clumsy at first but that soon went away. I started out at a decent pace, probably around 6:30 for the first mile. I found my rhythm and went with it. I wanted to run the 5k course for the EC Tri to get a feel for the course. I started where I thought the start might be and went from there. I was moving at a good pace but picked it up gradually as I went. I was around 6:10ish for the first mile, 5:50 for the 2nd, and closed the last mile in 5:40, feeling relaxed and smooth the whole way. I held that pace the two mile back to the apartment...hitting 5:45 pace going uphill into the wind. I figured I was running 6:20 miles the entire time but I guess I was wrong... I jumped on my bike after the run and measured the route I ran. It turns out I ran 3 miles in 17:40, not too far off... The run was a good rust buster and it feels good to get out and go again.

