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12:00 PM

8 km


4:59 mi


Nike Miler XC


143 lb


50 F

Race Result

9 / 266 (3.4%)


This is the best I felt all year

The race got out hot. I slipped at the line but was able to make up the ground no problem. I was all by myself at the start with the majority of the field behind me to the right. Some North Central and LAX guys took it out and were even with me @ 400m. I dropped in behind them and hung out with them for a lot of the race.

The only jerseys I saw the entire race were N.C.C., LAX, UW-P, Augustana, and UW-W. We rolled throu the mile in 4:50 and I was feeling comfortable. I made sure not to lose contact and stay relaxed. As we made our way around the sweeping turn at the top of the first incline, they started to gap me. I instantly closed it and didnt let a gap form again. We dropped Kehoe after 2k and a couple NCC guys here and there. We went throu the 2 mile in 9:49, not bad!

I used the declines to my advantage and made sure to stay relaxed on the inclines while not losing time. Wilhemy fell off just after the 5k and could tell he was done. When I went by him to go with the pack, he didnt respond. I lost contact with the pack just after the 6k and then the pack started to stretch out. Moran fell off the back as well as the Augustana guy. I passed Moran with a K to go and was closing on the Auggie guy, but lost some ground going up the last incline with 600m to go. Moran passed me again and as we headed down the home stretch was looking back every 50m. I hate when people do that and thought to myself I cannot let Moran out kick me. Do you know how much shit Cory would give me if Moran out kicked me? I threw it in 6th gear and flew by him with 50 meters to go, crossing the line in 9th place.

Its about time I felt that good in a race. I was able to get into a rhythm just like a tempo and didnt have to think too much. At times, I caught myself doubt if I could maintain pace (between 2 miles and 5k) but was able to assure myself I belonged in that pack of runners. I was happy with the race but ecstatic when I found out we had qualified as a team, knocking Point and Augustana out of a nationals birth!!!! It was pure Ecstasy. haha

Splits: 4:50, 4:59, 5:00, 5:01, 4:56
