Bike: Training Previous Next


9:05 AM

32.5 mi


18.57 mi / hr


141 lb


70 F
  • Map


Decided to bike to Penn Cycle today. Went down Lexington Ave and planned on hitting 35E bridge to HWY 13. Lexington was nice, not too busy for the time of day. I had a little trouble finding 35E....not sure how because its a giant bridge with a shit ton of cars, but I missed it.

I ended up going the wrong way and headed down 7th st or something. Next thing I know, I'm traveling down a freeway with cars blowing by me @ 65 mph. I crossed a bridge on the freeway; the same one w/ Nate and Wes, but this time I was on the otherside of the wall. I stopped just passed Ft. Snelling because all I could see were Freeways, on ramps, and streaks of cars going by. I threw my bike over my shoulder and climbed up the hill to the fence, set my bike on the other side and jumped over. I crossed back over the bridge, but this time on the right side; found a bike path that led me to the right bridge. The commute felt like it was dragging on when I was on HWY 13. By this time, all of the starting and stopping was starting to get to my legs and I just wanted to be there. I got caught @ a light on HWY 13, lost my balance and tipped over. The best part was there were ppl around me when it happened...I kinda just laid there in the intersection, trying to unclip my left foot. Eventually I got it and slowly got back on my bike. The rest of the way was uneventful but I dont think I was supposed to ride on some parts of HWY 13....whatever.

Rough ride and way to start the day...haha
