Bike: Easy Previous Next


9:30 AM

47.5 mi


15.83 mi / hr


141 lb


80 F
  • Map

Lake Calhoun


Long bike ride with MJ. We took Lexington Parkway all the way down, throu Como to Summit Ave. Took Summit to the Mississippi, hopped on Lake St and took that all of the way to Lake Calhoun. Stopped @ Whole Foods and ate samples. On the way back it started to mist, it felt refreshing. We almost died once on Lake St. A minivan with a woman driver pulled out in from of us while we were going 20 mph, I locked the wheels up and just missed running into her driver door. After that, I raced some cars down Lake St...stoplight to stoplight. After crossing back over the Mississippi River, we took Summit over to Grand and ate @ Bread and Chocolate. Then headed back on Lexington.

While cruising down Lexington, some douche pulls along side us and tells us to get off the road and it was actually illegal for us to be riding in the road. He said this to Mary (she was ahead of me)...I over heard this was was pissed. Luckily there was a stoplight a 1/4 mile up and he just so happened to get stuck @ it. I saw this and sprinted up to the light to give him a piece of my mind. I politely told him throu his rolled down window he was wrong and it is fact illegal to bike on the sidewalk. He was dumbfounded and didnt say anything... just kept looking straight ahead. The car next to him @ the stoplight witnessed the whole thing and started laughing. She agreed that he was an asshole.

After that, nothing real exciting happened. We rode down Lexington, with the wind all the way home. It ended up being a decent ride for having to deal with all of the starting and stopping. We both had a lot of fun.
