Running a Marathon with no Training (Read 247 times)


    Thank you to everyone who contributed to this post. Your information was of value. Yesterday, I ran the race. I got there 5 minutes prior to the gun going off. They were releasing people in groups of 20 every 10 seconds. I waited in line for 15 minutes before getting to the starting gate. The anticipation was getting to me. I had weened off of coffee 10 days prior but had a cup on race day, so I had some nerves and anxiety. I had initially planned to do the run/walk method. 2 days prior to the race, my friend mentioned what I was doing to her coach, and he said to just keep a 10 minute pace throughout. I took her advice. With all of the adrenaline and anxiety pulsing through my veins, it was tough to keep that pace at first. I remember reading and hearing that I would hit a wall at some point if I started out too fast, so I slowed down to a 9:30 pace. The first 6 miles were a breeze. It was just fun being in that atmosphere. At mile 6, I ate my first gel and was able to power through to mile 9 prior to feeling any pain. At mile 9, my knees started to ache but nothing that was going to prevent me from running. I ate my 2nd caffeinated gel at mile 11 and was feeling good. At mile 18, my legs started to hurt. At mile 20, I slowed to a 10:30 pace, but at that point I knew I was going to finish. I took my final caffeinated gel at mile 21 and could really taste the finish line. The final 4 miles were tough, as they were right along the beach in the blistering sun. I noticed my watch had tracked the distance improperly, so I kept asking the people at the water stations how much further I had to go. None of them knew, so I just kept trekking. With 1/2 a mile to go, my buddy ran up next to me and said the finish line was close. We ran it out together, and I did a running leap into the air as I crossed the finish line. I then saw my friends and did a passionate, "Let's fucking go!" The feeling of crossing the finish line and seeing my friends was pure bliss. I was completely present and felt on top of the world. I finished in 4:17. I won the bet. This was more than winning a bet. It was to show myself how powerful my mind is if I allow it to focus. My body is aching today, but it was all worth it for those moments of joy.


    Interval Junkie --Nobby

      Welcome to the club, Runner!


      Congratulations!   Impressive feat.  Something to tell the grand-kids about . . . make sure you mention it was uphill both ways and in a foot of snow. Wink

      2021 Goals: 50mpw 'cause there's nothing else to do

      Za Nina

        Wooow wohooo congrats, amazing! I admire your run greatly, I am still far far away from anything similar, but it is inspiring to read this race description. So how can one cope with low blood pressure if not with coffee? Yoga possibly, leaps, jumping?


        Thank you to everyone who contributed to this post. Your information was of value. Yesterday, I ran the race. I got there 5 minutes prior to the gun going off. They were releasing people in groups of 20 every 10 seconds. I waited in line for 15 minutes before getting to the starting gate. The anticipation was getting to me. I had weened off of coffee 10 days prior but had a cup on race day, so I had some nerves and anxiety. I had initially planned to do the run/walk method. 2 days prior to the race, my friend mentioned what I was doing to her coach, and he said to just keep a 10 minute pace throughout. I took her advice. With all of the adrenaline and anxiety pulsing through my veins, it was tough to keep that pace at first. I remember reading and hearing that I would hit a wall at some point if I started out too fast, so I slowed down to a 9:30 pace. The first 6 miles were a breeze. It was just fun being in that atmosphere. At mile 6, I ate my first gel and was able to power through to mile 9 prior to feeling any pain. At mile 9, my knees started to ache but nothing that was going to prevent me from running. I ate my 2nd caffeinated gel at mile 11 and was feeling good. At mile 18, my legs started to hurt. At mile 20, I slowed to a 10:30 pace, but at that point I knew I was going to finish. I took my final caffeinated gel at mile 21 and could really taste the finish line. The final 4 miles were tough, as they were right along the beach in the blistering sun. I noticed my watch had tracked the distance improperly, so I kept asking the people at the water stations how much further I had to go. None of them knew, so I just kept trekking. With 1/2 a mile to go, my buddy ran up next to me and said the finish line was close. We ran it out together, and I did a running leap into the air as I crossed the finish line. I then saw my friends and did a passionate, "Let's fucking go!" The feeling of crossing the finish line and seeing my friends was pure bliss. I was completely present and felt on top of the world. I finished in 4:17. I won the bet. This was more than winning a bet. It was to show myself how powerful my mind is if I allow it to focus. My body is aching today, but it was all worth it for those moments of joy.



          See, not a big deal for someone who's already fit via other things.

          60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying

          Running Problem

          Problem Child

            Marathons are easy. I'm more impressed you ran a marathon with COVID 19 and President Joe Biden in the White House at this point. I thought COVID 19 was too dangerous to justify being outside even though running is exempt from wearing a mask everywhere and social distancing during a marathon is possible. COVID 19 is more important than winning a bet. Hopefully you spend your money on Pfeizer vaccine.

            Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

            VDOT 53.37 

            5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


            Overweight per CDC BMI

              WTF??? I don't like Biden either but I don't understand why you had to take this man's running accomplishment and drag it through political mud.


              I have never completed a marathon. Well done Barry.

              Memphis / 38 male

              5k - 20:39 / 10k - 43:48 / Half - 1:34:47 / Full - 3:38:10

                WTF??? I don't like Biden either but I don't understand why you had to take this man's running accomplishment and drag it through political mud.


                I have never completed a marathon. Well done Barry.


                Partisan Derangement Syndrome.

                It causes non sequitur political garbage to pop up unbidden, like Tourettes.


                I've never done a marathon either, that's way too far to run on pavement.

                60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying


                Mmmm Bop

                  Marathons are easy. I'm more impressed you ran a marathon with COVID 19 and President Joe Biden in the White House at this point. I thought COVID 19 was too dangerous to justify being outside even though running is exempt from wearing a mask everywhere and social distancing during a marathon is possible. COVID 19 is more important than winning a bet. Hopefully you spend your money on Pfeizer vaccine.


                  My easiest (slowest) marathon was my first... even though my “training” averaged something ridiculous like 15mpw. Why was it easy? Because it was just about finishing (if Oprah can jog a marathon then anyone can). Yes, I felt a bit sore during and after because of my lack of training and it was a nice buzz to run 26.2 miles for the first time.


                  However, when you take it to another level of commitment ...ie, training full on for 3 months dealing with niggles/injuries and giving it your all during the race....that is a completely different ball game. Get it right with near even splits is challenging and rewarding. Being too ambitious and starting out too fast is my definition of a brutal marathon experience!


                  Anyway, well done on winning your bet and hope you spend it wisely. 

                  5k - 17:53 (4/19)   10k - 37:53 (11/18)   Half - 1:23:18 (4/19)   Full - 2:50:43 (4/19)



                    Marathons are easy. I'm more impressed you ran a marathon with COVID 19 and President Joe Biden in the White House at this point. I thought COVID 19 was too dangerous to justify being outside even though running is exempt from wearing a mask everywhere and social distancing during a marathon is possible. COVID 19 is more important than winning a bet. Hopefully you spend your money on Pfeizer vaccine.


                    Go back to LetsRun

                    12-23  Last One Standing  -  Finished 102 miles

                    2- 24 Grandmaster 100 - 22:32, 1st place

                    4-24. Cappy's Backyard - 17 yards, 1st place

                    5-24  Bryce 100 - 29:38, 18th place



                    Running Problem

                    Problem Child


                      Go back to LetsRun


                      My county still requires masks for athletic activities. We have had ONE socially distanced race and it was a 10 my on Saturday and a 5k on Sunday with no awards and no after party. So this isn’t a ‘let’s run’ thing it’s a ‘the Covid 19 thing has fucked my entire running opportunity and the fact that someone cn put on an organized marathon is fucking AMAZING’ thing. I guess East coast and Mid West COVID are much less scary

                      Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                      VDOT 53.37 

                      5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22



                        You sound like a pleasant person.   I would love to have you pace me on my next 100 miler.

                        12-23  Last One Standing  -  Finished 102 miles

                        2- 24 Grandmaster 100 - 22:32, 1st place

                        4-24. Cappy's Backyard - 17 yards, 1st place

                        5-24  Bryce 100 - 29:38, 18th place



                        Running Problem

                        Problem Child

                          You sound like a pleasant person.   I would love to have you pace me on my next 100 miler.


                          Why stop at 100? Why not do a 205.5 mile run? I can tell you about the time I help my friend get from dropping at mile 55 to the track at Auburn with about a half hour to spare.

                          Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                          VDOT 53.37 

                          5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22



                            Actually going to run a marathon next.  Maybe we can continue this friendly banter in the marathon thread, although I have no business posting in the 3:00 training group.


                            Why stop at 100? Why not do a 205.5 mile run? I can tell you about the time I help my friend get from dropping at mile 55 to the track at Auburn with about a half hour to spare.

                            12-23  Last One Standing  -  Finished 102 miles

                            2- 24 Grandmaster 100 - 22:32, 1st place

                            4-24. Cappy's Backyard - 17 yards, 1st place

                            5-24  Bryce 100 - 29:38, 18th place


