Really Bad Training Day (Read 148 times)


    ....I think I lost 3 months of progress on my running plan in the last 3 days !


    So I completed a 3 month run/walk program with a lot of success.... I worked up to where I could run after the 3 months to a full hour outside. I improved from a 10 minute one mile run to doing 2.5 miles at a 10 minute mile pace and my heart rate during running dropped.


    ....then we had this very bad snow storm last 2 days. A lot of shoveling, dangerous driving, and stuck outside a lot breathing in very cold air most of the day into my lungs... and last two days because of exposure to all the cold air from shoveling developed really bad cough at night with very bad head congestion and sneezing.  went a couple days without exercising so had to force myself into gym tonight for a run even though I felt terrible....awfully tired...weak...body aches... a really bad headache... a sore throat from the cold air... but I can't slack off now trying to get in shape. Body was telling me No, but went into gym to attempt to work out even though body felt like crap.


    It was like I lost 3 months of progress tonight at the gym!  I barely could run a mile at 10 minute pace was forcing myself to the end. I tried to slow down to even a 4mph jogging pace and even jogging at 4 mph that felt like hell on my body. This same workout felt super easy for me just 3 days ago before the bad snow storm. I felt a strain feeling you know you get in your lungs after you do a windsprint only I wasn't sprinting just jogging and I just started coughing really bad. The coughing stopped after I got off the treadmill and left the gym... about 15 minutes I felt better and wasn't coughing so much. It was like what the hell happened 3 days ago this same workout was easy.


    I get COVID tests weekly at work, and I was negative this week so I don't think its that. I think it just was too much exposure to the cold air from shoveling.


    I guess once in a while I should get a very bad day at the gym ?

    an amazing likeness

      What you should consider is the question of 'what did this workout tell me?'...


      What I think it told you is that you're not yet recovered from whatever lung crud you have. Recovering from sickness takes time. Rest up, heal up, and get back into it slowly taking whatever your body can deliver.

      Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.


        That's not a bad training day.  You should see this guy's:

        Half Crazy K 2.0

          Those symptoms sound like far more than being out in the cold for too long. You will likely undo more training by continuing to try and push through whatever is going on. Rest and then start back easy (slower & less time).


          Keep in mind a covid test is a single point in time. I also test weekly at work for a research study. I submitted my sample Monday morning and was then in contact with a co-worker who then tested positive later that day. I had a similar situation the week of Christmas where I submitted my test Monday morning, started feeling really off on Tuesday and couldn't get a test due to the holiday and shortages until the following Monday (research study was on hold that week due to the school holiday). By that point, I was feeling somewhat better. So while I had the 2 negative tests 1 week apart, no way of knowing what the deal was in the interim. I didn't run for 8 days because I was so wiped out. I was getting a little out of breathon stairs and walking up the driveway. The first few runs back were really slow and painful. Since then, I've gotten back into a much more consistent pattern. Basically, take you time to get better first, then worry about consistency.


          Also, assuming you are working out in a commercial gym and not at home, please stay home when you have symptoms like that.


          not bad for mile 25

            I can't slack off now trying to get in shape.


            You absolutely can if you're sick. Yes, it's a setback, but we have to deal with those in life. Also, you probably shouldn't be at the gym if you're sick, Covid or not.

            SMART Approach

              When feeling crappy or sick you should just take a walk. Movement is good. Adding more stress pushing through a workout when you are battling a virus just set you back.

              Run Coach. Recovery Coach. Founder of SMART Approach Training, Coaching & Recovery

              Structured Marathon Adaptive Recovery Training

              Safe Muscle Activation Recovery Technique




                Whether it's covid or another illness, it really sounds like you are sick, especially with the general malaise (typical covid symptom and also common with other viruses).


                You did not lose 3 months of fitness in 3 days. Your body is trying to slow you down so you let it recover from whatever illness you have.


                The weather/dry air might have irritated your throat and lungs and dried out those mucus membranes, making you susceptible to a virus, but the weather did not cause those symptoms.  Rest as much as you can, and don't return to the gym until you have zero symptoms.  Maybe try short walks outside to see how you feel, yoga at home just to move a bit, but don't push it. You could really run yourself down and prolong your recovery if you push too hard too soon.



                someone with chronic mono...

                Not running for my health, but in spite of it.


                  link spam

                    +1 to what everybody else said.  Except with one change from what kilkee:  You WILL really run yourself down and prolong your recovery if you push too hard too soon.


                      Those symptoms sound like far more than being out in the cold for too long. You will likely undo more training by continuing to try and push through whatever is going on. Rest and then start back easy (slower & less time).


                      Keep in mind a covid test is a single point in time. I also test weekly at work for a research study. I submitted my sample Monday morning and was then in contact with a co-worker who then tested positive later that day. I had a similar situation the week of Christmas where I submitted my test Monday morning, started feeling really off on Tuesday and couldn't get a test due to the holiday and shortages until the following Monday (research study was on hold that week due to the school holiday). By that point, I was feeling somewhat better. So while I had the 2 negative tests 1 week apart, no way of knowing what the deal was in the interim. I didn't run for 8 days because I was so wiped out. I was getting a little out of breathon stairs and walking up the driveway. The first few runs back were really slow and painful. Since then, I've gotten back into a much more consistent pattern. Basically, take you time to get better first, then worry about consistency.


                      Also, assuming you are working out in a commercial gym and not at home, please stay home when you have symptoms like that.


                      I test for COVID twice a week at work, I don't think it is since both tests from last week came back negative. I just tasted few days ago and it was negative. I will see though. Feeling almost 100% better now except for a lingering cough/congestion when I sleep at night. My wife though has gotten way more sick then me She has cough, sore throat, running a fever, chills, body aches, loss of appetite, sick to stomach, sleeping all the time says she constantly feels tired. Her symptoms were a lot worse then me. She was wondering same thing but I tested negative two days ago and I tested negative twice last week, I told her if she is negative I am too. Her doctor told her he didn't think it was COVID, a lot of viruses going around now besides COVID is what her doctor told her. We are staying out of gym for a few days.




                        So it turns out I had COVID after all. Although I was testing negative the previous week on tests I tested positive for COVID  the following week and isolated for 5 days. I guess that is a valid excuse for having such an awful training day, it really was COVID all along just didn't realize it.


                          Weigh decisions like this carefully.

                          the little failures of your life now echo into eternity.

                          Is a week of rest worth the march of progress?

                          Weakness is an infection and a pox upon so many within the running community that it is hard to tell what contrivance people will shuffle out first to justify their shortcomings.

                          Search the core of your being and ask yourself if it's worth what you could have. The excellence you could be, the best possible trajectory you're on. Fight for that. Do not give that up so hastily in the name of weakness. I am sure we all have, time and again ad nau. Allow yourself this treatise no longer  and go train. Train harder.

                          We watch. Your great grandchildren will read. What story do you want to tell them?


                          You absolutely can if you're sick. Yes, it's a setback, but we have to deal with those in life. Also, you probably shouldn't be at the gym if you're sick, Covid or not.


                            Well to be safe I took 3 weeks off or so before I headed back. I tried after first week of isolation to get back to the Gym, but even walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes left me very light headed and a feeling like I was going pass out with a shortness of breath. So I waited another couple weeks after that and was able to go back to the gym jogging for 30 minutes without any shortness of breath. Last couple weeks I been jogging 3 times a week for 30 minutes. I think I am finally back to where I was before I got COVID.  I was able to make a personal long distance best on the treadmill. I ran 10k in about an hour and a half. so around a 4mph pace which is the pace I was at before for a long run. I am happy I have progressed from doing the run/walk program to progressing to be able to continuous run for 30 minutes 3 times a week and completing a 10k run.


                            not bad for mile 25

                              ...even walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes left me very light headed and a feeling like I was going pass out with a shortness of breath. So I waited another couple weeks after that and was able to go back to the gym jogging for 30 minutes without any shortness of breath. Last couple weeks I been jogging 3 times a week for 30 minutes. I think I am finally back to where I was before I got COVID.  I was able to make a personal long distance best on the treadmill. I ran 10k in about an hour and a half. so around a 4mph pace which is the pace I was at before for a long run. I am happy I have progressed from doing the run/walk program to progressing to be able to continuous run for 30 minutes 3 times a week and completing a 10k run.


                              Have you had blood work recently? You might be (have been?) on the anemic side.  Glad you're doing better.

                              Wilson Keisha
