Competitive Jerks Racing and Training - 2023 (Read 574 times)


Mother of Cats

    DWave - Nice week, and brava on the adjustments for various non-running things.
    I'll be in your area for a work for a couple days next week!


    That's right - I remember!  Of course, I leave next Friday (not this Friday) for Houston (6 am flight).


    Let me know if you are interested and have time for a few easy (my pace) miles on Wednesday or Thursday mornings. (no hard feelings if my 9:30-9:45 ish easy pace is too slow to be workable for you.   As I recall, you are staying in Crystal City, which is not far from where I am.


    Also, if you are flying into DCA, try to get a window seat on the left side of the airplane if possible (probably too late for this).  There is a 1/3 chance that your flight will land at DCA using the "river visual" approach, which is probably one of the coolest airplane landings you can experience as a passenger.  The right side isn't bad - you'll get a great view of the Pentagon and Arlington Cemetery.  But the left side will give you a spectacular arial tour of the DC monuments.

    Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


    And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


      First Cal now Mikkey what's going on around here?


      Jmac- 5/10K training in the winter sounds rough.  Where do you do your speed work? I was thankful to be done before snow/ice ruined the tracks until spring.


      RP- I was sort-of expecting a blow up as well.  It's one thing to run 3 x 1 at 5K with a jog in between quite another to try to maintain.  Not 100% sure I could do it again and glad I don't have to try until spring at the earliest.

      Darkwave- Good luck with the taper.  Do you cut back on the other non-running workouts as well as running?

      5K 18:36 (2023), 10K 39:40 (2022), 1/2 1:24:37 (2023), full 2:58:36 (2015) 


      It's Tuesday every day


        Ch17 - Sorry to see you go back to lurking, this thread will be lacking Chinese learning cats.


        I've lurked in like five times already. It's like I can't look away. For me perhaps this is the running-thread equivalent of watching cat videos on YouTube.

        Running Problem

        Problem Child

          Dwave I think keen would actually enjoy an Iwo Jima workout more than casual miles. He can’t ever find a hill to save his life.  

          Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

          VDOT 53.37 

          5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22




            Jmac- 5/10K training in the winter sounds rough.  Where do you do your speed work? I was thankful to be done before snow/ice ruined the tracks until spring.





            Not an 80%er


              I think we start trolling Mikkey by inserting random things into our race repots, like "The last mile was really tough, I swear I thought I saw Anthony Fauci riding a pink unicorn on his way to the Wuhan labs"

              Bahahaha. I spoke to Mikkey and he's currently completing a course on "Internet etiquette" before he resumes posting here. If I understood correctly he will no longer go by nicknames, so you will be addressed as "Mr McKeon" by him.


              ch17 - Ah, a fellow internet cat video watcher! I've recently watched a video that was meant to prove cats have OCD, my belly was hurting as I was laughing so hard. My sister recently adopted a cat (originally it was my parent's but the cat was misbehaving too much, so she had to take him in). She posts videos on the daily and I get my daily quota of cat stuff. We call the cat Cafe, he's currently a teenager and he's a lil bastard haha.


              RP - From memory, the supreme commander's runs have a considerable amount of elevation gain, though perhaps he ain't got serious mountains around?


              Mmerkle - I hope you enjoyed being called MMekele by RP on the previous page. Being in the same sentence as the GOAT must be an honor.

              PRs: 1500 4:54.1 2019 - 5K 17:53 2023 - 10K 37:55 2023 - HM 1:21:59 2021

              Up next: some 800m race (or time trials)

              Tool to generate Strava weekly


              Cobra Commander Keen

                DWave - Thanks for the tips on airline seating. I'm flying on Southwest (yikes!) and should be able to get a seat on the left side.
                I would be more than happy to share some miles with you either of those days.

                RP - I do feel compelled to throw in some Iwo Jima repeats one of the days I'm there.

                5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                Upcoming Races:





                RIP Milkman


                  Also, if you are flying into DCA, try to get a window seat on the left side of the airplane if possible (probably too late for this).  There is a 1/3 chance that your flight will land at DCA using the "river visual" approach, which is probably one of the coolest airplane landings you can experience as a passenger.  The right side isn't bad - you'll get a great view of the Pentagon and Arlington Cemetery.  But the left side will give you a spectacular arial tour of the DC monuments.


                  No matter how many times I fly into LGA, I never get tired of the Hudson approach and seeing Manhattan, especially at night, from the sky. I imagine it's similar with DC.


                  Fishy - I do all my speed work in the parks (used to be Central Park, but now I live in Brooklyn so it's Prospect Park). The local track clubs actually put down markers on the flat portion of the parks every 200 meters. I reached out to them recently because it's badly faded in Prospect Park and they told me they're going to repaint them soon. It's great because the roads in the parks are plowed within hours so there's almost no time I can't run, unless it's in the middle of the storm. I don't know how people train in areas where their main running route is like unplowed running/bike trails.


                  Mmerkle - I actually would quit running if I had to use treadmills. Have yet to run a successful workout on one, or even an easy run. Always cut it short out of sheer boredom no matter what I'm watching. I need to be outdoors, seeing people, trees, moving scenery, etc. Have tried every trick in the book for treadmills, it doesn't work for me.

                  5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 





                    Fishy - I do all my speed work in the parks (used to be Central Park, but now I live in Brooklyn so it's Prospect Park). The local track clubs actually put down markers on the flat portion of the parks every 200 meters. I reached out to them recently because it's badly faded in Prospect Park and they told me they're going to repaint them soon. It's great because the roads in the parks are plowed within hours so there's almost no time I can't run, unless it's in the middle of the storm. I don't know how people train in areas where their main running route is like unplowed running/bike trails.



                    JMac - Do you run with the PPTC? There's someone else around the forums who does (although she has not been around much lately).



                    Overweight per CDC BMI

                      Hello everyone. Long time listener, first time caller. I have lurked reading your threads the past couple years and JMac encouraged me to start contributing because it helps increase accountability. I am an intermediate runner looking to move into the subjective category of advanced runner/competitive jerk over the next few years and I am also thinking you all might like you help contribute to that progress.


                      I am Andy from the Memphis, TN area who has been running seriously for the past 5 years. I have run all my life to say I was "doing cardio" but never kept a log or anything. About 5 years ago I ran a local 5k and the sight of so many 7-year-olds passing me was motivation to start taking running seriously. That year I went from a 5k being my longest race to completing a half marathon. I have been dealing with injuries the past 18 months but I'm finally past that now and completed my 2nd marathon a month ago with a respectable time, injury free.


                      I have also inspired my son to get into running and he just completed his first year of cross country in 3rd grade. He ran a 4-mile race recently with a pace of 7:43 as an 8-year-old and set a new 5k PR of 23:40. I am going to be so excited/proud when the day comes that he is going to be able to beat me in the shorter distances but the competitive side of me wants to push that back as much as I can.


                      This brings me to my goals for 2023: focus on speed work to set PR's in 5k, 10k, and 13.1 since I got a satisfying marathon time this year. I did a good job building my endurance the past 4-5 months without injury but I know that my minimal amount of speed work cost me in the late miles of my marathon. I have been doing a significant amount of my mileage at mid-aerobic range and need to polarize my running more. I am not saying I won't run a marathon in 2023 but my focus the first half of the year will be on improving at the shorter distances.


                      I also have the goal in 2023 to shed some more weight, maybe 10-15 lbs. The first year I started running seriously, I lost about 30 lbs but I have plateaued in the low 180's. I have always had a muscular build and can easily fit into pants with a 32-inch waist but the CDC still says I am overwight. I am not concerned with BMI from a health perspective but I know losing some more weight overall can translate into faster running times. I don't have a terrible diet but I am not strict and consume too many liquid calories, if you know what I mean.


                      Anyway, I look forward to contributing to the discussion and the tips/criticism you all have to offer. If anyone needs tips on how to maintain your pool, I can help with that...

                      Memphis / 38 male

                      5k - 20:39 / 10k - 43:48 / Half - 1:34:47 / Full - 3:38:10



                        I don't know how people train in areas where their main running route is like unplowed running/bike trails.





                        i.e. don't be a wuss? Wink

                        1600 - 5:23 (2018), 5k - 19:33 (2018), 10k - 41:20 (2021), half - 1:38:57 (2018), Marathon - 3:37:17 (2018)


                        RIP Milkman




                          i.e. don't be a wuss? Wink


                          Sometimes I feel like the real race in the Ultra community is who can post/race the most ridiculous runs. "Oh you think that's good? Well one time I ran 432 miles when it was negative 37 degrees outside without any clothes the day after I burned my foot on a George Foreman grill."


                          Andy - glad you took my advice and welcome board! You are in the right thread if you are trying to set PRs at every single distance this year. We just need to figure out your breakfast situation 


                          Dave - I never got into the club scene. At first, it was because I was very particular with what workouts I wanted to try. Now, I feel like so many of the clubs waste so much time with group photos, waiting around for other people, etc. I am trying to cram as much training in given little time with a newborn and 2 year old at home. I don't have time to stand around for 30 minutes as part of my running activity. I imagine when I get older and things calm down, it'll be a nice way to meet other people. But for now? I hate every minute I'm on the subway because I feel like I could be run commuting instead.

                          5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 





                            Sometimes I feel like the real race in the Ultra community is who can post/race the most ridiculous runs. "Oh you think that's good? Well one time I ran 432 miles when it was negative 37 degrees outside without any clothes the day after I burned my foot on a George Foreman grill."


                            Dave - I never got into the club scene. At first, it was because I was very particular with what workouts I wanted to try. Now, I feel like so many of the clubs waste so much time with group photos, waiting around for other people, etc. I am trying to cram as much training in given little time with a newborn and 2 year old at home. I don't have time to stand around for 30 minutes as part of my running activity. I imagine when I get older and things calm down, it'll be a nice way to meet other people. But for now? I hate every minute I'm on the subway because I feel like I could be run commuting instead.


                            Jmac - nice Office reference in there. 

                            I hear you on the clubs. I had been a 100% solo runner my whole career. However a couple years ago I discovered a local running group and it's been great. I hear you on the excessive picture-taking, 7:00 runs starting at 7:15, and the commute to the meeting spot. They're centered nowhere near where I live, it's typically a 20-30 min drive for me. But I just meet up with them for long runs on Saturday morning, so it works out. They get a big turnout for that event, there are always people who I can hook up with on distance/pace. Usually even if you want to do some kind of LR workout. Running solo is fine, but long ones are MUCH nicer with company. I was sort of reluctant at first because I thought they might be sort of insular and cliquish. But they were super friendly and welcoming of new people. It's been great to make a ton of local running friends and get more into the local running community. I only regret not discovering them sooner, I lived here nearly 5 years before I found them.



                            Overweight per CDC BMI


                              We just need to figure out your breakfast situation 

                              Ha! I did go talk to the Dr about that and he said "sounds like you might have a few episodes of hypoglycemia". We did blood work and everything was fine but I had also eaten before so my numbers were certainly better than I would suspect when I first get out of bed. I asked him what the solution is for treating these hypoglycemic episodes and he said "you just eat something". So it seems like I have already prescribed myself the medicine by hating to run on an empty stomach. My original post on that topic was making it through a 3-hour run without getting really hungry and for something short like an hour run in the morning, something as little as an applesauce pouch or piece of toast before has been working for me.

                              Memphis / 38 male

                              5k - 20:39 / 10k - 43:48 / Half - 1:34:47 / Full - 3:38:10

                                Hey, there! I haven't been on here in years and I'm way overdue for anything that resembles a decent marathon training cycle or marathon. I might need some accountability from people who are way more serious about this than I have been recently.


                                Some basic info:


                                Location-Chicago, IL

                                Age: 53

                                Married (17 years), no kids

                                Professional life: Distribution center specialist for a run specialty retailer. I'm also in my last semester of a MA program in Applied Exercise Science with a specialization in Sports Nutrition (graduate in May) and would like to earn another advanced degree in the field of nutrition in the next few years. I also have over 10 years of distance run coaching experience with the training group affiliated with my place of employment. After taking a break last year to focus on the MA program, I look forward to returning to coaching this spring.


                                I used to love putting in lots of miles, with plenty of 2500+ mile years between 2008-2017, and spent many years chasing a sub 3 marathon. But I've run only one official marathon since reaching that goal in the fall of 2017 (a 3:35 pacing gig in the spring of 2018). I started prerequisite college course work the following fall, so running hasn't been as much of a priority since then.


                                I signed up to run Chicago this coming October as part of a charity team, and my goal is run fast enough so that I do not need to rely on the lottery for a spot in this race in the future. You'd think that the 3:35 I need for a Chicago Qualifier at my age would be easy enough, but I've gotten fat and out of shape. My Garmin "estimates" that I'm in about 4:26 shape right now, so clearly I have some work to do. So don't be shocked if you see paces in the 11:00/mile range from me.

                                Post Asthma Era PRs: 5K--18:39 (Mar 2016), 10K--39:40 (Feb 2018), HM--1:28:04 (Jan 2017), MAR--2:59:12 (November 2017)