Ultra Marathon (100) Advice (Read 121 times)


I lost my rama

    This year I am pacing my sister at Western States - But 1st I will be at the start, slapping dpcrouse in the ass, moving him down the trail.


    So is this good advice?

    3/17 - NYC Half

    4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

    6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

    8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours



      Excellent advice because it will be at the first of the race and not at the end (pun intended).


      Dpcrouse - another jab at barefoot runners with no examples.  Unless raw water came from them, then yes, that is idiotic.

      12-23  Last One Standing  -  Finished 102 miles

      2- 24 Grandmaster 100 - 22:32, 1st place

      4-24. Cappy's Backyard - 17 yards, 1st place

      5-24  Bryce 100 - 29:38, 18th place




        Ahhh, I remember the good old days of the preachy barefoot runners in here.  They were all 15-20 mile per week runners lecturing high mileage runners how it should be done.  It was entertaining.

        I want to do it because I want to do it.  -Amelia Earhart




          I figured it was something like that.  I was a very active member of the barefoot community and there were certainly those types.  For some of us, being barefoot really helped, but I am not going to preach about it unless someone asks.  However, I will get slightly defensive when someone stereotypes the whole group.  There are bad apples in every community.

          12-23  Last One Standing  -  Finished 102 miles

          2- 24 Grandmaster 100 - 22:32, 1st place

          4-24. Cappy's Backyard - 17 yards, 1st place

          5-24  Bryce 100 - 29:38, 18th place



            Good advice might be something like:

            Spend some time to find out what works for you, and then do that.

            60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying


              For those who are new to these parts, listen to Wrigley Girl and DoppleBock, who know an actual lot about such things.

              Don't listen to me. I can't count to 100.


              I find it curious that one would lead/lede with his personal ultrasignup history. But then again, it does establish cred, so I can't really poke it. Besides, I don't run much.

              I will say one thing, though... telling someone your 100 PR. That's, like, ok, in terms of ooo aaah, but it doesn't mean a whole lot in terms of teaching a new runner. Not really. Especially on the whole The Pistol/Hennepin to Barkley spectrum. 
              (My "100" PR is 21-something. But that was Across The Years, and I was dumb enough to stop at 100.8. Had I continued and held something like my hour-21 pace for another couple, I might have won a sweet award. Boohoo for me, though. I bet I DNFed Western earlier in the race than anyone reading along. So I have that going for me.)

              Oh hey yall. I'll be at Ice Age and Kettle. Woohoo!


              Old , Ugly and slow

                Rlopez good to see you posting.

                I have no advice since my longest run ever is 15 miles.

                first race sept 1977 last race sept 2007


                2019  goals   1000  miles  , 190 pounds , deadlift 400 touch my toes

                T Hound

                Slower but happier

                  This is all such worthless advice.  When I’m out there running at night using my iPhone for a light because I forgot to take my headlamp out of my drop bag so I trip on a root and hit my face because I’m old and falling happens so much faster, I think “I don’t know what the hell im doing out here” At least now I know I’m not alone. 

                  2020 goal:  couch to 5K, currently working on the couch block


                  Member Since 2008

                    There is a lot of ways to skin a cat - I would say WG / dpcrouse and myself all did it the same way ... we ran a lot.  We ran a lot on tired legs.


                    Both dpcrouse & WG have been successful at 100 mile trail races.  WG and myself have done a lot of 24 hour races.


                    The OP has not replied ... so the I am currently running 19 miles a week and want to run 100 miler very well could be a poke.


                    My question still stands to the original poster ... What kind of 100 mile race?  Is it just to hit 100 miles one and be done with it.   Do you care road, easy trail, mountain.


                    My 1st 100 - My goal was to hit 100 miles < 24 hours in the easiest venue possible.  That meant a 24 hour race.


                    If you goal is to do the San Diego 100 or angeles Crest 100 that will mean different training than the San Francisco 1 day.


                    I am getting great feedback and I am taking all information in.  As I have stated, I am slowly building my base, and do realize it will probably take more than a year until I will be able to start looking for a 100 miler in my area.  Right now in looking at the American River 50 next year and go from there.  Thanks everyone for the advice.
